DAP Auto-Failover Policy

Good afternoon,

I was setting up auto failover in my lab using this link:

https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/AAM-DAP/Latest/en/Content/Deployment/HighAvailability/auto-failover-setup-continue.htm?tocpath=Setup|High%20Availability%20(HA) Clusters|_____6

I imported the policy it stated on the page:

- !policy
  id: conjur/<my-cluster-name>  
   # Overrides the cluster default TTL
   ttl: <ttl-value>
    - !layer
    - &hosts
      - !host
        id: <host1-id>
      - !host
        id: <host2-id>
      - !host
        id: <host3-id>

    - !grant
      role: !layer
      member: *hosts

However when I went to enroll the master into the cluster, I kept getting this error.

error: Cluster name provided, but no cluster policy found
No cluster machine named “conjur-master.lab.local” found in cluster definition

It makes me think that the master couldnt see the policy for some reason, I can verify that the policy exists by looking at the gui and using the cli.


The id above where it says “my-cluster-name” needs to be changed to identify your cluster and be placed in the correct policy branch, which is conjur/cluster/my-cluster-name. As a best practice we recommend loading this into the root policy like so:


- !policy
  id: conjur/cluster/<my-cluster-name>  
   # Overrides the cluster default TTL
   ttl: 15
    - !layer
    - &hosts
      - !host
        id: <host1-id>
      - !host
        id: <host2-id>
      - !host
        id: <host3-id>

    - !grant
      role: !layer
      member: *hosts

Then you can enroll your cluster master:

evoke cluster enroll -n host1-id my-cluster-name

For example, if the cluster policy id is conjur/cluster/mylabcluster and the master host is conjur-master.lab.local you would run

evoke cluster enroll -n conjur-master.lab.local mylabcluster


Ben Floyd


Thank you so much Ben for clearing the ambiguity, I got it working!


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