Conjur TAS tile version 1.3.0 supporting VMware Tanzu 2.11

Hi all,
Yesterday, VMware published the latest release of our Conjur tile, v1.3.0 , supporting Tanzu (TAS) 2.11

The tile release 1.3.0 includes these components:

  • CyberArk Conjur Service Broker - v1.2.1
  • CyberArk Conjur Buildpack - v2.2.1

Features include:

  • organization_name and space_name have been added as annotations on policies created in Conjur . Thank you mkkeffeler for your contribution !
  • Added support for using Summon environments in secrets.yml file
    • secrets.yml files can be split into sections by environment
    • Secrets to be loaded at runtime can now be specified using the new SECRETS_YAML_ENVIRONMENT variable.
  • Fixed error messages with invalid line numbers
  • Upgraded Ruby dependencies to resolve security vulnerabilities.

For more information please visit the Conjur product page and check out the Release Notes

Feedback and improvements to the project are always welcome!

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