Summon in GNU Guix

That was the ticket, @ryan!

@izgeri: I upvote this contribution to upstream! :+1:

vagrant@guixsd ~ [env]$ summon -h; summon-conjur -h
   summon - Parse secrets.yml and export environment variables

   summon [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   -p value, --provider value     Path to provider for fetching secrets
   -e value, --environment value  Specify section/environment to parse from secrets.yaml
   -f value                       Path to secrets.yml (default: "secrets.yml")
   --up                           Go up in the directory hierarchy until the secrets file is found
   -D value                       var=value causes substitution of value to $var
   --yaml value                   secrets.yml as a literal string
   --ignore value, -i value       Ignore the specified key if is isn't accessible or doesn't exist
   --ignore-all, -I               Ignore inaccessible or missing keys
   --all-provider-versions, -V    List of all of the providers in the default path and their versions(if they have the --version tag)
   --help, -h                     show help
   --version, -v                  print the version
Usage of summon-conjur:
  -h, --help
    show help
  -V, --version
    show version
  -v, --verbose
    be verbose