Integrate Kubernetes secrets with cyberark

We have cyberark enterprise running. How can i integrate Kubernetes secrets to cyberark for fetching credentials?

Hello @sagarkolli!

We recommend our CyberArk Dynamic Access Provider for delivering credentials to Kubernetes environments. This page in our docs outlines the solutions we have available, and they include the CyberArk Secrets Provider for K8s which injects secrets from DAP into Kubernetes secrets.

Iā€™m not sure where you are on your journey - I hope this information is helpful, but if you have any follow up questions please feel free to reply and share more about your use case.


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Hi Geri,
We are in initial phase, just started leveraging the integration of K8S with Cyberark Secrets Provider. I have gone through Github link where DAP container code is available
(, but there are no instructions how to connect my existing Cyberark base URL with DAP. Can i seek some help for the initial setup?

@sagarkolli You would need to setup Vault Synchronizer to sync secrets from CyberArk to DAP. Integration is detailed in the following page.|CyberArk%20Vault%20Synchronizer|_____0


I am trying to do the same integration. I currently have enterprise DAP setup with synchronizer and looking to use Kubernetes secrets for fetching creds.