How to group applications if they are lacking identity in OCP

I am working on a Secretless Broker POC for our JupyterHub application. Backend is Conjur Enterprise. JuputerHub spawns a new pod for a Jupyter Notebook to run whenever a new request for a Notebook is created by a user. That also means a number of Notebooks is running in the same namespace in the OpenShift environment, and they have the same service account.

I am using authn-k8s for authentication, secret entitlement in Conjur. But I find it is impossible to create groups as those Notebooks are lacking unique identity: they only have a single identity: same-namespace+same-serviceaccount.

Do you have any suggestion in this situation if we do want to form the groups/roles so that different groups/roles can have different credentials?

I see there is a Host Factory authentication method, Do you think it can help the above situation? do you think I should use it instead of authn-k8s, or can they work together?

Thanks in advance

Hi Marco,

<Editing my earlier response which wasn’t quite accurate.>

If I understand correctly, in your platform, whenever a Notebook is being created, JupyterHub is spawning new Pods that:

  • Use a common Namespace
  • Use a common ServiceAccount
  • But, require access to user/group specific credentials in Conjur

I believe that you can use authn-k8s authentication to grant access to secrets with the granularity that you’re looking for in this scenario. What you would need to do is define a Conjur host for each user or group of users that require their own credentials. Then when you deploy a Pod when a Notebook is created, include that host ID in the CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN environment variable that gets set for the authn-k8s client init container.

Your Conjur policy could be loaded using files that look something like the following. Here, I’m assuming a simple example of 3 users that need credentials that are set up for 2 separate user groups:

File app-identities.yml:

# This policy defines a layer of whitelisted identities permitted to authenticate to the authn-k8s endpoint.
- !policy
  id: conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users
  owner: !group devops
    description: Identities permitted to authenticate
  - !layer
      description: Layer of authenticator identities permitted to call authn svc

  - &hosts
    # Annotation-based authentication (host ID is a user name, and
    # permitted application identities are listed as annotations)
    - !host
      id: user-1
        authn-k8s/namespace: notebook-namespace
        authn-k8s/service-account: notebook-sa
        authn-k8s/deployment: notebook-deployment
        authn-k8s/authentication-container-name: authenticator

    - !host
      id: user-2
        authn-k8s/namespace: notebook-namespace
        authn-k8s/service-account: notebook-sa
        authn-k8s/deployment: notebook-deployment
        authn-k8s/authentication-container-name: authenticator

    - !host
      id: user-3
        authn-k8s/namespace: notebook-namespace
        authn-k8s/service-account: notebook-sa
        authn-k8s/deployment: notebook-deployment
        authn-k8s/authentication-container-name: authenticator

  - !grant
    role: !layer
    members: *hosts

File app-grants.yml:

# Grant permission for hosts in the notebook-users group to authenticate via kubernetes authenticator
- !grant
  role: !group conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/consumers
    - !group conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users

# Grant permission for the appropriate hosts to read and execute app variables
- !grant
  role: !group user-group-a
    - !host conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users/user-1
    - !host conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users/user-2
- !grant
  role: !group user-group-b
    - !host conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users/user-3

File app-policy.yml:

- !policy
  id: user-group-a
    description: This policy contains the credentials for users group A

    - !group

    - &credential-variables
      - !variable username
      - !variable password

    - !permit
      role: !group
      privileges: [ read, execute ]
      resources: *credential-variables

- !policy
  id: user-group-b
    description: This policy contains the credentials for users group B

    - !group

    - &credential-variables
      - !variable username
      - !variable password

    - !permit
      role: !group
      privileges: [ read, execute ]
      resources: *credential-variables

With the policy above, when you deploy a Notebook Pod, you would set the CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN environment variable for the authn-k8s init container to e.g. one of the following:

  • host/conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users/user-1
  • host/conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users/user-2
  • host/conjur/authn-k8s/my-authenticator-id/notebook-users/user-3

And you would set credentials with e.g.:

conjur variable set -i user-group-a/username -v admin
conjur variable set -i user-group-a/password -v MyP@ssw0rd!
