Hi @samir.shetty
I am encountering problem while setting up the authn-jwt.
I am using this img: =jodyhuntatx/conjur-appliance:12.1.1, because I have a working example using authn-k8s, so I am trying to enable jwt on it.
I have the policy yaml below and applied. When I used my app to authn with the conjur server, it gave me the error message Authenticator 'authn-jwt' is not supported in Conjur
The conjur https://localhost/info shows the authn-jwt is not installed, even it does show enabled
. Do you think it is the reason?
I tried to install conjur-oss like this one: https://github.com/cyberark/conjur-oss-helm-chart/tree/main/examples, but it also doesn’t enable authn-jwt.
Basically, I want to know how install and enable authn-jwt, could you help me on this?
Thanks in advance!
- !policy
id: conjur/authn-jwt/os-climate-poc
- !webservice
# Uncomment one of following variables depending on the public availability
# of the Service Account Issuer Discovery service in Kubernetes
# If the service is publicly available, uncomment 'jwks-uri'.
# If the service is not available, uncomment 'public-keys'
# - !variable jwks-uri
- !variable public-keys
- !variable issuer
- !variable token-app-property
- !variable identity-path
- !variable audience
# Group of applications that can authenticate using this JWT Authenticator
- !group consumers
- !permit
role: !group consumers
privilege: [ read, authenticate ]
resource: !webservice
- !webservice status
# Group of users who can check the status of the JWT Authenticator
- !group operators
- !permit
role: !group operators
privilege: [ read ]
resource: !webservice status
# curl -k localhost/info
"release": "12.1.1",
"version": "5.13.2",
"services": {
"evoke": {
"desired": "i",
"status": "i",
"err": null,
"description": "Conjur",
"name": "conjur-evoke",
"version": "",
"arch": "amd64"
"ldap-sync": {
"desired": "i",
"status": "i",
"err": null,
"description": "Conjur",
"name": "conjur-ldap-sync",
"version": "",
"arch": "amd64"
"possum": {
"desired": "i",
"status": "i",
"err": null,
"description": "Conjur",
"name": "conjur-possum",
"version": "",
"arch": "amd64"
"ui": {
"desired": "i",
"status": "i",
"err": null,
"description": "Conjur",
"name": "conjur-ui",
"version": "",
"arch": "amd64"
"container": "dap-service-node-6d974c749d-9fchh",
"role": "master",
"configuration": {
"conjur": {
"role": "master",
"account": "lab",
"hostname": "dap-service-node.cyberlab.svc.cluster.local",
"master_altnames": [
"authenticators": {
"installed": [
"configured": [
"enabled": [
<14>1 2022-06-10T20:54:38.000+00:00 dap-service-node-6d974c749d-tsnfn conjur-possum 1757 - [meta sequenceId="2"] [origin=] [request_id=fb874785-663a-470f-9e37-5635fc786fab] [tid=2689] Processing by AuthenticateController#authenticate as HTML
<14>1 2022-06-10T20:54:38.000+00:00 dap-service-node-6d974c749d-tsnfn conjur-possum 1757 - [meta sequenceId="3"] [origin=] [request_id=fb874785-663a-470f-9e37-5635fc786fab] [tid=2689] Parameters: {:controller=>"authenticate", :action=>"authenticate", :authenticator=>"authn-jwt", :service_id=>"os-climate-poc", :account=>"lab", :id=>"host/jupyterhub/notebooks-team1"}
<14>1 2022-06-10T20:54:38.000+00:00 dap-service-node-6d974c749d-tsnfn conjur-possum 1757 - [meta sequenceId="4"] [origin=] [request_id=fb874785-663a-470f-9e37-5635fc786fab] [tid=2689] CONJ00048I Authentication Error: #<Errors::Authentication::AuthenticatorNotSupported: CONJ00001E Authenticator 'authn-jwt' is not supported in Conjur>
<14>1 2022-06-10T20:54:38.000+00:00 dap-service-node-6d974c749d-tsnfn conjur-possum 1757 - [meta sequenceId="5"] [origin=] [request_id=fb874785-663a-470f-9e37-5635fc786fab] [tid=2689] Completed 401 Unauthorized in 3ms
<13>1 2022-06-10T20:54:39.199+00:00 dap-service-node-6d974c749d-tsnfn nginx - - [meta sequenceId="6"] "-" "POST /api/authn-jwt/os-climate-poc/lab/host%2Fjupyterhub%2Fnotebooks-team1/authenticate HTTP/1.1" 401 5 "-" "k8s" 0.005 0.005