Do we have High Availability feature in Conjur OSS

Do we have High Availability feature in Conjur OSS ?
Like what is available in Conjur Enterprise - Master /Standby/Follower etc ?
If not available, how can we us Conjur OSS in Production environments with out HA ?

No, high availability features are only available in Conjur Enterprise.
If you wish to use Conjur OSS in an enterprise environment you will need to rely on your own high availability logic and infrastructure.

I recollect even in Conjur Enterprise - HA is not available for Conjur Synchroniser.
Let me know if things have changed now


You can install multiple Vault Synchronizers (there may be limitations, be aware) with 1 x CyberArk CorePAS/PAM instance tied to 1 x Conjur Enterprise instance. This is in CyberArk Conjur Enterprise documentation, but this is possible: e.g., Use a new safe per Vault Synchronizer.

Hope this helps,

since 2024 in Conjur enterprise Vault synchroniser have HA (active/passive)