although it is not well-described how to backup and restore your Conjur data, I figured this :
# Create backup docker exec conjur_server rm /opt/conjur-server/tmp/pids/
docker stop conjur_server docker exec -ti -u postgres postgres_database
postgres@xxxxxxxx:/ pg_dump postgres > /tmp/db.dump
This looks like it’s gonna work, since I’m able to backup my initial Conjur environment, then run my unittest that creates/updates/deletes all sorts of stuff, and then restore back to my initial Conjur environment again.
However, running my unittest once again yields an HTTP 500 on the REST interface.
‘docker logs conjur_server’ shows :
WARNING: modifying data outside of policy load: BCIE:policy:ont/myfolder
CONTEXT: SQL statement "DELETE FROM role_memberships rm
WHERE rm.role_id = $1 AND
member_id = $2 AND
ownership = true"
PL/pgSQL function delete_role_membership_of_owner(text,text) line 5 at SQL statement
SQL statement "SELECT delete_role_membership_of_owner(OLD.resource_id, OLD.owner_id)"
PL/pgSQL function delete_role_membership_of_owner_trigger() line 3 at PERFORM
SQL statement "DELETE FROM ONLY "public"."resources" WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "policy_id""
WARNING: modifying data outside of policy load: BCIE:policy:ont/myfolder
CONTEXT: SQL statement "DELETE FROM role_memberships rm
WHERE rm.role_id = $1 AND
member_id = $2 AND
ownership = true"
PL/pgSQL function delete_role_membership_of_owner(text,text) line 5 at SQL statement
SQL statement "SELECT delete_role_membership_of_owner(OLD.resource_id, OLD.owner_id)"
PL/pgSQL function delete_role_membership_of_owner_trigger() line 3 at PERFORM
SQL statement "DELETE FROM ONLY "public"."resources" WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "policy_id""
WARNING: modifying data outside of policy load: BCIE:policy:ont/myfolder
WARNING: modifying data outside of policy load: BCIE:policy:ont/myfolder
[origin=] [req_id=8053f498-cc3e-4250-8a49-9a15cd434dd0]
Sequel::ForeignKeyConstraintViolation (PG::ForeignKeyViolation: ERROR: insert or update on table "resources_textsearch" violates foreign key constraint "resources_textsearch_resource_id_fkey"
DETAIL: Key (resource_id)=(BCIE:host:ont/myfolder/mysubfolder/mysubfolder) is not present in table "resources".
CONTEXT: SQL statement "UPDATE resources_textsearch rts
SET textsearch = (
SELECT r.tsvector FROM resources r
WHERE r.resource_id = rts.resource_id
) WHERE resource_id = OLD.resource_id"
PL/pgSQL function annotation_update_textsearch() line 12 at SQL statement
app/models/loader/types.rb:292:in `delete!'
app/models/loader/orchestrate.rb:318:in `map'
app/models/loader/orchestrate.rb:318:in `perform_deletion'
app/models/loader/orchestrate.rb:83:in `load'
app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:42:in `load_policy'
app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:21:in `patch'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:68:in `block in run_with_transaction'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:67:in `run_with_transaction'
…which happens upon a policy delete where the policy has subpolicies.
I can’t explain why the ForeignKeyConstraintViolation occurs only after the database restore. If I do not restore the database, I can run my unittest succesfully over and over again.
Hopefully someone can help me out with this, since I cannot run Conjur in a production environment if I’m not able to backup and restore my secrets…
More information : the ForeignKeyConstraintViolation reported : DETAIL: Key (resource_id)=(BCIE:host:ont/myfolder/mysubfolder/mysubfolder) is not present in table "resources".
but querying the database shows it’s there :
postgres=# select * from resources where resource_id like 'BCIE:host:ont/myfolder/mysubfolder/mysubfolder';
resource_id | owner_id | created_at | policy_id
BCIE:host:ont/myfolder/mysubfolder/mysubfolder | BCIE:policy:ont/myfolder/mysubfolder | 2019-12-03 10:07:10.792919 | BCIE:policy:ont/myfolder
To eliminate my code, I’ve created a testcase that shows the problem. Start from a fresh Conjur OSS install, where an account has been created and inited.
This sounds like a really interesting project and I would love to hear more about it.
The enterprise version of Conjur users a tool called Evoke, but Evoke is not part of Conjur open source, so we need to use the Postgres backup procedure instead.
See here what @Ryan wrote for details:
In order to back up that database you’d follow the normal procedures for backing up Postgres 9.3, except that you also need to have a backup of the data key. (the one the quick-start tells you to generate and then secure.) When you restore the database & restart the Conjur service, it’ll need that key in order to decrypt the database.
thanks for your update. I know about the data key. Maybe I didn’t describe it explicit enough, but in my testcase I mentioned : ‘( from a fresh Conjur install with an initial account configured )’… This means that the datakey is available as an environment variable. ( export CONJUR_DATA_KEY="$(< creds/data_key)" ).
Running my testcase shows the error upon policy deletion. Running all other kinds of dtabase mutations ( create, read, update ) all work fine, so I guess the decryption of the data is actually fine.
Yes, after the restore, I can still succesfully read, create and update. It’s just the delete
that fails.
Also see my previous append where I stated this, and running my testcase will exactly show the issue.
I’m still looking into this… all table , trigger and constraint definitions before and after the database restore are identical… The exception mentions it cannot find the resource_id in the resources table, but I can see it’s there, at least right after the exception… Can this be a timing problem ? Maybe it’s a Postgres issue…
I found a workaround that enables me to backup and restore the database by stopping postgres and then backup the volume that the postgres container exposes. My testcase continues to work after restoring data this way .
@Pieter it has been a while, but I wanted to update that we are actively looking into resolving this issue - we’ve filed this bug and we’re hoping to integrate a fix and release it soon.
Thank you for reporting!! I am sorry it took us so long to address this, but your stellar report has helped us to make good progress quickly.