Hi All,
I want to configure CyberArk with K8s for secret management.
I’m trying to integrate oss conjur in AKS cluster and followed this Url [conjur-oss 2.0.4 · papanito/conjure] and here in this i couldn’t understand few things,
What is ssl.hostname ? how to get from K8s cluster.
Do I need to ssh into controlplane and run all these docker related commands ?
since I am configuring conjur in kubernetes by accessing via kubeconfig from my localsystem(laptop) and i cannot ssh into Master node. -
“docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash cyberark/conjur-cli:5” → Is this command needs to be executed in Master Node (Controlplane) ?
If I run above docker command then it will run from my localsystem, then how it make an connection with remote cluster where conjur is deployed
I sound stupid, but unable to sort it out.
Please someone help me in understanding these and please share any document/video which explains about oss conjur installation on K8s via Helm.