Issue finding secret in Conjur

Hello, I am having an issue using secretless provider when using Conjur as my secrets management tool. When I run my application I get an error in the secretless broker logs, error 404 variable not found. I use the conjur cli to verify that the secret exists, and it does. The application works when using a secretless.yml file that has the password hardcoded. Any suggestions on what to check?

The following are details on my setup.

Docker command used to run container:
docker run --network host --env CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN=host/secretlessBrokerApp/secretlessBrokerApp-01 --env CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY=apiKey --env CONJUR_ACCOUNT=conjuraccount --env CONJUR_APPLIANCE_URL= -it cyberark/secretless-broker -debug

Logs from secretless broker:
2020/02/11 00:05:18 Secretless v1.5.0-4dfeef3 starting up…
2020/02/11 00:05:18 Initializing health check on :5335…
2020/02/11 00:05:18 Initialization of health check done. You can access the endpoint at /live and /ready.
2020/02/11 00:05:18 [WARN] Plugin hashes were not provided - tampering will not be detectable!
2020/02/11 00:05:18 Trying to load ./secretless.yml…
2020/02/11 00:05:18 Configuration file ./secretless.yml loaded
2020/02/11 00:05:18 [INFO] Waiting for new configuration…
2020/02/11 00:05:18 [DEBUG] Got new configuration
2020/02/11 00:05:18 Registering reload signal listeners…
2020/02/11 00:05:18 [INFO] Validating config against available plugins: ssh,ssh-agent,mssql,pg,mysql,basic_auth,conjur,generic_http,aws
2020/02/11 00:05:18 [WARN] Starting TCP listener on…
2020/02/11 00:05:18 [INFO] mysqlDB: Starting service
2020/02/11 00:05:18 [INFO] Waiting for new configuration…
2020/02/11 00:06:10 Instantiating provider ‘literal’
2020/02/11 00:06:10 Instantiating provider ‘conjur’
2020/02/11 00:06:10 Info: Conjur provider using API key-based authentication
2020/02/11 00:06:11 ERROR: Resolving credential ‘secretlessBrokerSecrets/DBPassword’ from provider ‘conjur’ failed: 404 Not Found. Variable ‘secretlessBrokerSecrets/DBPassword’ not found in account ‘conjuraccount’.
2020/02/11 00:06:11 [ERROR] mysqlDB: Failed on handle connection: failed on retrieve credentials: ERROR: Resolving credential ‘secretlessBrokerSecrets/DBPassword’ from provider ‘conjur’ failed: 404 Not Found. Variable ‘secretlessBrokerSecrets/DBPassword’ not found in account ‘conjuraccount’.

output from conjur cli verifying secret exists:
PS C:\Users\Louis.Cervantes> conjur init -u -a conjuraccount
File C:/Users/Louis.Cervantes/.conjurrc exists. Overwrite (yes/no): yes
Wrote configuration to C:/Users/Louis.Cervantes/.conjurrc
PS C:\Users\Louis.Cervantes> conjur authn login -p password -u user
Logged in
PS C:\Users\Louis.Cervantes> conjur variable value secretlessBrokerSecrets/DBPassword


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I found my issue. I misspelled the variable name in the conjur policy I created to hold the variable. I corrected my misspelling and everything worked. So my solution is to check everything is spelled correctly :slight_smile:

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Hi Louis - glad you were able to find the solution! In any case, thanks for reaching out, and feel free to do so again in the future if you need anything!

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