Ansible CyberArk Conjur Secret Lookup SSLError


Seeking some advise please integrating Ansible Platform Automation 4.0.2 with Conjur Enterprise 12,7. When testing a new credential with “CyberArk Conjur Secret Lookup” the test is returning “SSLError” message:


awx.api.generics status 400 received by user admin attempting to access /api/v2/credential_types/22/test/ from “my_ip_address”

Resources are defined and host has access to the variable:

conjur list -k host
conjur list -k variable
conjur variable get -i DromeVault!/ConjurLOB!04/lolo/rod/password
conjur resource permitted-roles “Dromelab:variable:DromeVault!/ConjurLOB!04/lolo/rod/password” execute

On the “Create New Credential” page I´ve included under “Public Key Certificate” section the cluster certificate that was imported the evoke ca import --set: docker exec conjurcontainer evoke ca import --no-restart --key /opt/cyberark/conjur/certificates/cluster.key --set /opt/cyberark/conjur/certificates/cluster.pem

issue seems to be same as reported here sometime ago which clearly points to the certificate used to establish the secure connection:

CyberArk Conjur Secret Lookup - Ansible - Secrets Management - Conjur, Secrets Hub & CP - CyberArk Developer (

Any tips what could I´ve missed here and why the SSLErrors?. Thanks in advance

It seems you have put the public key of the conjur cluster certificate inside the public key certificate field. If thats the case, please replace it with the certificate of the root ca (also combine intermediate CA if any) who issued certificate of conjur cluster.

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Was the issue resolved from the first reply?